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RAW Aesthetics Face & Body Lounge
RAW Aesthetics is Located in Redmond Oregon and offers over 25 beauty and body treatments, all catering in the aesthetics field. From Botox to massage, to facials and tattoo’s, 10 licensed beauty professionals are all under one roof in their own suites designed to give you confidence and enhance your self-care needs.
How To Book A Service?
RAW Aesthetics is an independent contractor facility, with 10 beauty professionals who curate their own scheduling and prices.
Simply call the office number below or message the RAW instagram to be directed to the person and service you are requesting. Want reviews, before and after, or more information? All the women of RAW have their own websites, instagrams and are on google. Give us a call to be directed to your next beauty provider!
Independant Contractor Rooms
If you are a beauty professional or massage therapy inquiring about a room for lease please contact the number below or head over to our instagram page for more information about leasing inside RAW Aesthetics.